Most of you are aware that my long-term, "committed as though married" significant other has disappeared on me after four years. While I'm not a mind reader, I'm going to assume that his comments, "I don't like to be around negative people"...and "the pain you're feeling would probably feel like a mosquito bite to me", and let's not forget him yelling at me, "if you need the f***ing medicine, I'll get the f***ing money and buy it." He also was angry that I didn't pick up the phone when I was in the bathroom getting sick and neglected to call him back because I was too exhausted. I did beg him to come over anytime; "you have my garage code, just come in; I need you." I asked him if he would come over for 10 minutes or so a couple times a week at lunch (we live less than a mile apart). When I tried to pin him down on when he could come over, he had an excuse for every day and then never called again.
The last I heard from him was on the 21st or 22nd of February. I'm not surprised. The man is a mirror image of his inner character; which in my mind is pretty poor. In his defense I could say he's just scared and never faced much adversity in his life. I'm glad the majority of people in relationships really mean what they say. I can't imagine leaving my husband, abandoning him when he was diagnosed with melanoma. Now that was a difficult time in my family's life because his survival was 0 to 3 months. There was no treatment, no remission for him. With me, I'll be "cured" (according to all the doctors) after I finish these last 3 rounds of chemo.
I'll be back to being me by summer. Just this couple weeks of being low, fatigued and sick before returning to normal. I've had the couple weeks of sickness; which, by the way, started about the time Larry disappeared and now things are looking up again.
I'm desparately seeking Rapunzel - if any of you know where she hangs out these days, I'd appreciate the heads up. I'm looking for fast hair-growth tips! (smile)
March 21, 2010
6:07 a.m.