Don't worry everyone, guest blogger Lauren here. I'm sorry if you've all been wondering how my mom's been doing since she hasn't posted in over a week, but last week was a pretty rough one for her. She was at the hospital every day last week getting fluids and anti-nausea drugs intravenously. Everything she attempted to eat or drink came right back up (as well as the medications--INCLUDING THE ONES THAT WERE OVER $100 A PILL--AFTER insurance!!!), so she had no choice but to come in. Allie had her baby shower over the weekend in Lake Geneva and Mom was set on making it to both Chicago (to see Kate's place) and Wisconsin for the party...and she was optimistic that she would feel well. All the fluids and long-lasting anti-nausea drugs they pumped into her unfortunately failed her little body :( So Suz was pretty sick all weekend...she threw up the entire way home yesterday...and hadn't even eaten anything but a few bites of chicken Saturday afternoon. I called the on-call doctor last night and he said that I had to take her into the ER. The thought of getting back in the car was too much for her though, so we went first thing this morning. She went to her radiation (she's got an extreme case of esophagitis), she talked to her Dr's nurse, she had bloodwork done (all her counts were way down), she met with a medical oncologist and he advised her to be admitted immediately. Apparently she's lost ten pounds in the last week--the doctor said she can't even have a feeding tube because her stomach is comparable to raw hamburger--ick. So, she's here at Methodist and will be until at least Wednesday. I'm sorry I didn't sugarcoat anything, but I know that you all worry and really want to know how she's doing. She's sad; she aches; she's absolutely starving; she's thirsty (can't even as much as take a SIP of water); she has absolutely no energy (sitting up even exhausts her)...she's finally optimistic now that she's at the hospital because she feels as though she'll finally be able to eat again (they told her she won't be leaving the hospital until she eats again).
Poor little Scout has been so lonely at home and is patiently awaiting Mom getting better again...he's been wallowing around the house, wearing scarves in support of her hair loss. He's so stinkin cute!

Thank you everyone for your prayers, kind words of support, cards, phone calls, gift cards, meals, flowers, books, visits, scarves, hats, cookies (Debbie, the spritz were gone in hours!), cleaning mom has really appreciated all that you've done for her. Debbie and Stephanie, between the two of you, I think she gets a card every day!!! :) When Mom gets out of the hospital, hopefully she'll feel well enough to blog again! She also has a stack of thank you cards I need to send out, so you'll all be receiving mail here shortly!!! Honestly though everyone, your support means more to her than you could know, so keep calling, keep writing and keep on stopping over! Until then...I will be guest blogging!!!!
I love Scout in his headscarf! He is sooo cute!
ReplyDeletehahaha I know, isn't he!? He's been pretty down in the dumps since our return. I think it's a combination of the Lexy/Marley/Pubba withdrawal (yes, Lexy too--I think he likes being dominated like that) and Mom being at the hospital. He hasn't been eating (unless I sneak him a bite of my food here and there) and he just cries a lot. Poor guy...he's still wearing his bow from the baby shower. So cute!!