Yippee! We made it. The house is gorgeous; spacious, 3 bdrms, 3 baths, very clean, and most significantly important - right on the beach. The crash of the waves, the cry of the gulls - it's almost deafening. We'll be sleeping great for two weeks!
Rums - spiced, dark, light, vodka, teqiula, beer...wines; white and red. We're stocked up for that lost shaker of salt.
We pick Kate up at JAX tonight at 11 and spend a week relaxing - or relaxing as much as Kate will let us, what with all her organizing! The sisters come next week. Scout already loves it. He was afraid of the waves for about 2 seconds, now he's jumping in them, body surfing, no less, and doing his dog paddle, chasing after the sand pipers and gulls.
More to come tomorrow.
Saturday, July 24th, 2010 7:06 pm
I'm so upset that I am here at home coughing up dust bunnies when I could be at the beach with you. You look so happy and beautiful. Keep up the great spirit= you have made it to the other side. I love you so much. Can't wait to see you soon. All my love.