Of course, my arachnaphobiac daughter Kate would see this "little" guy hanging over our heads every time we walk up or down the stairs. As if HE isn't bad enough, his 3 sisters live over to the left by the deck railing! They are harmless - we had to look them up "agriope" or something like that. Big, big, big. Wish I'd had something to make a size comparison with. Really, quite a beautiful spider. It's web is almost as thick as fishing line - it would have to be as the spider is large.
Another (please keep them coming)beautiful day at the beach. No rain, no clouds whatsoever. On our drive down, the forecast called for 10 days of rain and cloudy weather. Must be up the beach...or down the beach, because in our little spot of Paradise, there has been no rain - nothing but SUNNY DAYS.
Woe is me! I look like my grandma Standley. My hair is either curly or sticking straight up in spots. Looks like I've bobby-pinned it every night (remember those days, Anne Marie?) and have little pincurls all over my head. Not that I think my grandma was unattractive...just never thought I'd look like her. Ahhhhh. Thinking about my "battle with the dog wounds", it could have been worse. I could have needed stitches, poked my eye out, broken teeth...and instead I just look like Pam-pam Panda. AND, to add insult to injury, the prednisone has nicely "rounded" out my face, abdomen, and neck. Really and truly, I've gained less than 2# while on it (122.7) but I read an article (because I feel fat) about how being on prednisone not only increases your appetite, slows down metabolism, but redistributes the fat. One of these days I'll be me again. Right now it's kind of fun exploring possibilities. So no photos of me right now. Okay, so I'm lacking a bit of confidence in the looks department. I'm okay, then I look in the mirror and have a little freak out attack and promise myself not to look in the mirror again. I have been wearing Lauren's movie-star-style sunglasses.
Last night it was a DANCE PARTY at the beach house. Played "Last Word" and "Catch Phrase" pre-dance. Can hardly wait for "the sisters" to get here. We'll serve them jellyfish sandwiches. No, we're reserving that delicacy for Jonny Kokott.
Thursday 4:39 a.m., July 29, 2010
Ponte Vedra, FLA
Each day looks to be more fun and wild. Can't wait to join in on the fun. Just one more day until I fly away and join you! Can't wait!
ReplyDeleteGet rid of the spiders...they will freak me out...or maybe we could make spider wine? :0
Enjoy another day in paradise.
seriously...could you post any WORSE pictures of me?!? Ewww!